Friday, May 14, 2010

Next Installment

It's been slow going for the past few days; we're cooking up concept art and working on the minor details. Lots of backstory still needs to be written, but we have the basics. I've seen the concept art from Steve and... well, let me say, if it were any more perfect, it'd have its own halo.

But anyway, we're going to be working on the second chapter soon. The first comic is going to consist of four eight-page chapters; the first chapter is done and the second chapter is soon coming. No biggie. We're also working on ideas for the site design. Trust me- it'll be awesome.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


So I have to say, the backstory is pretty awesome. I'm making sure that it's kept in the realm of realism whilst being fantastic and mindblowing. It probably won't ever see the light of day outside of the depths of the computers of us devs, but maybe we could have a separate page on the webpage when the comic comes out that is dedicated to the backstory, like a timeline of all the necessary events that led to the story.

Also, our artist Steve has begun to work on the art. It would be a grand understatement if I were to say that I was just excited.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


I think naming is one of the most important processes of writing. I'm unsure as to why that is, but I know that when I'm reading a book, if something has an awesome name I'll be more interested. It is the way of things.

Take for instance Mass Effect. 'Prothean' is a made up word, yet it has the connotation that the Protheans are an ancient, peace-loving peoples. Maybe not peace-loving, but the name doesn't have a hard consonant in it that indicates evil-ness.

Anyways, I've mostly completed the process of naming. I've come up with a name for our aliens, which can be shortened to something I really like. I also decided to stick with the word 'Dominion'. IHM and I also changed the names up a bit for two of the main characters. Sometimes it is appropriate to name someone something that will strike fear into your heart, and other times you should give them such an average name that you're taken aback by what kind of person they really are.

In any case, the plot synopsis has been completed and we are moving on to the next stage. I'll probably be compiling a list of technology (that's what I'm best at, I mean I am an aerospace engineer in training) later today by looking at today's technology and advancing it to whatever tickles my fancy. Oh, it will tickle.

Friday, May 7, 2010

When Eye Meets Eye, Become

Speaking out of universe here, as you can see, I love to be cryptic. I like to immerse myself in the universe that I, along with my friend IHM, have created. Where in this world I lack the glory of being a hero, in the worlds I create I am God. I am the creator, the Alpha and Omega. These characters are naught but electrical impulses in my brain before they form. And with as much ease as they are created, they can be utterly destroyed in any way I please.

But I, being merciful, choose life. I have found, however, that giving life to an individual is much easier than giving life to a collective or, strange as it sounds, a name. Names must be meaningful, as much for an individual as for a group. The three castes of humanity have all changed names except for one, and the middle caste is nameless as of yet. A name to convey power and knowledge is needed. Dominion was my first choice, though the actual characteristics of my Dominion turned out to be too similar to the Dominion in Star Trek. And so, change.

I also can't figure out a name for the alien species. I want to steer clear of strange made-up names, since for one it tends to be rather cliche and for two (for two? finger waggle), I want my aliens' natural tongue to have words unpronounceable in English. This, in turn, leaves me to create very interesting and characteristically indicative names for alien characters. But what, pray tell, shall they all be named? Maybe not an English word, but perhaps something in Latin. Something that could convey a sense of maybe having visited Earth in the past? Their name may not convey that, but maybe their beliefs could. Belief in the Greek Pantheon, perhaps, but Battlestar Galactica has already stolen that. Rightfully so, for that is undoubtedly my favorite science fiction series.

Another thing that influences me is The Amory Wars, which is the science fiction mythology behind Coheed and Cambria. I really enjoy pretty much all pre-history sci fi which has ties to our civilization as we know it.

I think I've overstepped my time with you. If anyone would like to suggest some names for the ex-Dominion and the alien species, give me some ideas. We writers are, as it be, not endless fountains of literary knowledge. At least I'm not.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Child in the Eyes of Man

Where do I begin? It began with a sign from God, and the next day my life ended.